Biotack Adhesive

Biotack Adhesive

Product Details:

  • Glue thickness 2 Millimeter (mm)
  • Adhesive Type Water Activated
  • Usage Construction
  • Application Floor
  • Color White & Grey
  • Physical State Powder
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Biotack Adhesive Price And Quantity

  • 50 Bag
  • 1038 INR

Biotack Adhesive Product Specifications

  • 2 Millimeter (mm)
  • White & Grey
  • Construction
  • Powder
  • Floor
  • Water Activated

Biotack Adhesive Trade Information

  • Navi Mumbai
  • As per order
  • Yes
  • Sample costs shipping and taxes has to be paid by the buyer
  • 25 KG
  • West India

Product Description

<p> </p><p align="justify">Prioritizing customer's satisfaction, we have been able to manufacture and supply quality endorsed <strong>Biotack Adhesive</strong> to our patrons. It is nontoxic adhesive that is recommended for fixing any kind of tiles as well as natural stones. Coverage of this adhesive depends on nature and flatness of surface along with method of application. Apart from this, <strong>Biotack Adhesive</strong> is available at highly reasonable price that can be easily afforded by customers. Also, it is well tested prior to its final dispatch to ensure its flawlessness.</p><p><strong>Technical Specifications: </strong></p><p> <style type="text/css">P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }</style> </p><p><strong>Workability</strong> <br /></p> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"> <colgroup> <col width="85*" /> </colgroup> <colgroup> <col width="85*" /> </colgroup> <colgroup> <col width="85*" /> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="33%" style="border-width: 1px medium 1px 1px; border-style: solid none solid solid; padding: 0.1cm 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p>Pack</p> </td> <td width="67%" style="border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0); padding: 0.1cm;" colspan="2"> <p>25 kg</p> </td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium medium 1px 1px; border-style: none none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p>Shelf life</p> </td> <td width="67%" style="border-width: medium 1px 1px; border-style: none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;" colspan="2"> <p>12 months in the original</p> </td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium medium 1px 1px; border-style: none none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p><br /></p> </td> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium medium 1px 1px; border-style: none none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p>packaging</p> </td> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium 1px 1px; border-style: none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p><br /></p> </td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium medium 1px 1px; border-style: none none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p><br /></p> </td> <td width="67%" style="border-width: medium 1px 1px; border-style: none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;" colspan="2"> <p>Protect from humidity</p> </td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium medium 1px 1px; border-style: none none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p>Adhesive thickness</p> </td> <td width="67%" style="border-width: medium 1px 1px; border-style: none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;" colspan="2"> <p>2 mm</p> </td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium medium 1px 1px; border-style: none none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p>Coverage</p> </td> <td width="67%" style="border-width: medium 1px 1px; border-style: none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;" colspan="2"> <p>1,2 kg/m2 per mm of thickness</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" valign="TOP" style="border-width: medium 1px 1px; border-style: none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;" colspan="3"> <p><strong>Temperature of the air, substrates and materials</strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium medium 1px 1px; border-style: none none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p> </p><br /></td> <td width="67%" style="border-width: medium 1px 1px; border-style: none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;" colspan="2"> <p> from +5<sup>o</sup>C to +35<sup>o</sup>C</p> </td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium medium 1px 1px; border-style: none none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p>Pot life</p> </td> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium medium 1px 1px; border-style: none none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p>+23<sup>o</sup>C</p> </td> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium 1px 1px; border-style: none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p>3 hrs</p> </td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium medium 1px 1px; border-style: none none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p> </p><br /></td> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium medium 1px 1px; border-style: none none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p>+35<sup>o</sup>C</p> </td> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium 1px 1px; border-style: none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p>2 hrs</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" valign="TOP" style="border-width: medium 1px 1px; border-style: none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;" colspan="3"> <p><strong>Open time (BIII tile according EN 14411)</strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium medium 1px 1px; border-style: none none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p> </p><br /></td> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium medium 1px 1px; border-style: none none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p>+23<sup>o</sup>C</p> </td> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium 1px 1px; border-style: none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p>60 min.</p> </td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium medium 1px 1px; border-style: none none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p>Foot traffic</p> </td> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium medium 1px 1px; border-style: none none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p>+23<sup>o</sup>C</p> </td> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium 1px 1px; border-style: none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p>24 hrs</p> </td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium medium 1px 1px; border-style: none none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p> </p><br /></td> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium medium 1px 1px; border-style: none none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p> +35<sup>o</sup>C</p> </td> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium 1px 1px; border-style: none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p>18 hrs</p> </td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium medium 1px 1px; border-style: none none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p>Grouting </p> </td> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium medium 1px 1px; border-style: none none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p> +23<sup>o</sup>C </p> </td> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium 1px 1px; border-style: none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p>7 days</p> </td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium medium 1px 1px; border-style: none none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p> </p><br /></td> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium medium 1px 1px; border-style: none none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p>+35<sup>o</sup>C</p> </td> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium 1px 1px; border-style: none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p>5 days</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" valign="TOP" style="border-width: medium 1px 1px; border-style: none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;" colspan="3"> <p><strong>Ready for use at +23</strong><strong><sup>o</sup>C / +35</strong><strong><sup>o</sup>C</strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium medium 1px 1px; border-style: none none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p>light foot traffic</p> </td> <td width="67%" style="border-width: medium 1px 1px; border-style: none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;" colspan="2"> <p>4 / 2 days</p> </td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium medium 1px 1px; border-style: none none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p>heavy traffic</p> </td> <td width="67%" style="border-width: medium 1px 1px; border-style: none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;" colspan="2"> <p>&nbsp;6 / 3 days</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><strong>Performance </strong><br /></p> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"> <colgroup> <col width="85*" /> </colgroup> <colgroup> <col width="85*" /> </colgroup> <colgroup> <col width="85*" /> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="33%" style="border-width: 1px medium 1px 1px; border-style: solid none solid solid; padding: 0.1cm 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p>Conformity </p> </td> <td width="33%" style="border-width: 1px medium 1px 1px; border-style: solid none solid solid; padding: 0.1cm 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p> EC 1-R plus GEV-Emicode</p> </td> <td width="33%" style="border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0); padding: 0.1cm;"> <p>GEV certified 5730/11.01.02</p> </td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium medium 1px 1px; border-style: none none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p>Tensile adhesion (concrete/vitrified tiles) after 28 days </p> </td> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium medium 1px 1px; border-style: none none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p>1 N/mm2</p> </td> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium 1px 1px; border-style: none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p>EN 1348</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><strong>Durability test: </strong></p> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"> <colgroup> <col width="85*" /> </colgroup> <colgroup> <col width="85*" /> </colgroup> <colgroup> <col width="85*" /> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="33%" style="border-width: 1px medium 1px 1px; border-style: solid none solid solid; padding: 0.1cm 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p> adhesion after heat ageing</p> </td> <td width="33%" style="border-width: 1px medium 1px 1px; border-style: solid none solid solid; padding: 0.1cm 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p>1 N/mm2</p> </td> <td width="33%" style="border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0); padding: 0.1cm;"> <p>EN 1348</p> </td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium medium 1px 1px; border-style: none none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p>adhesion after water immersion</p> </td> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium medium 1px 1px; border-style: none none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p>1 N/mm2</p> </td> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium 1px 1px; border-style: none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p>EN 1348</p> </td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium medium 1px 1px; border-style: none none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p>adhesion after freeze-thaw cycles</p> </td> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium medium 1px 1px; border-style: none none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p>1 N/mm2</p> </td> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium 1px 1px; border-style: none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p>EN 1348</p> </td> </tr> <tr valign="TOP"> <td width="33%" style="border-width: medium medium 1px 1px; border-style: none none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;"> <p>Working temperature </p> </td> <td width="67%" style="border-width: medium 1px 1px; border-style: none solid solid; padding: 0cm 0.1cm 0.1cm;" colspan="2"> <p>from -40<sup>o</sup>C to +90 <sup>o</sup>C</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>

FAQs of Biotack Adhesive:

Q: What is the adhesive type of Biotack Adhesive?

A: Biotack Adhesive is a water-activated adhesive.

Q: What is the usage of Biotack Adhesive?

A: Biotack Adhesive is used for construction purposes.

Q: What is the application of Biotack Adhesive?

A: Biotack Adhesive is used for flooring application.

Q: What are the available colors of Biotack Adhesive?

A: Biotack Adhesive is available in white and grey colors.

Q: What is the physical state of Biotack Adhesive?

A: Biotack Adhesive is in powder form.

Q: What is the thickness of the glue applied using Biotack Adhesive?

A: The glue thickness applied using Biotack Adhesive is 2 millimeters (mm).

Q: What is the recommended glue thickness when using Biotack Adhesive?

A: The recommended glue thickness when using Biotack Adhesive is 2 millimeters (mm).

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