Biotile Adhesive

बायोटाइल चिपकने वाला

उत्पाद विवरण:


बायोटाइल चिपकने वाला मूल्य और मात्रा

  • 100
  • बैग/बैग

बायोटाइल चिपकने वाला उत्पाद की विशेषताएं

  • मिलीमीटर (mm)
  • IndustrialGrade
  • White
  • High

बायोटाइल चिपकने वाला व्यापार सूचना

  • प्रति महीने
  • दिन

उत्पाद वर्णन

Biotile Adhesive is a substance that is used to fix tiles in outdoor and indoor areas. It is formulated with locally sourced mineral which is lower greenhouse gas emissions. This is an excellent quality product that ensures maximum adhesion if applied in sufficient layer. In addition to this, Biotile Adhesive is available at highly affordable prices keeping in mind budget of customers. Also, it is certified product that guarantees to give excellent performance to customers as it is stringently processed as per industrial norms.

Technical Specifications:



25 kg

Shelf life

12 months in the original


Protect from humidity

Adhesive thickness from

2 to 10 mm


1,2 kg/m2 per mm of thickness

Temperature of the air, substrates and materials

from +5 Degree C to +35 Degree C

Pot life

+23Degree C

8 hrs

+35Degree C

7 hrs

Open time (BIII tile according EN 14411)

+23 Degree C

30 min.

+35 Degree C

15 min.

Adjustability time (BIII tile according EN 14411)

+23 Degree C

35 min.

Foot traffic/grouting of joints

(Bla tile according EN 14411)

+23 Degree C

36 hrs

+35 Degree C

24 hrs

Grouting in walls (Bla tile according EN 14411)

+23 Degree C

24 hrs

+35 Degree C

18 hrs

Ready for use at +23oC / +35oC

(Bla tile according EN 14411)

light foot traffic

4 / 2 days

heavy traffic

6 / 3 days



EC 1-R plus GEV-Emicode

GEV certified 5727/11.01.02

Tensile adhesion (concrete/porcelain tiles) after 28 days

 1 N/mm2

EN 1348

Durability test:

Adhesion after heat ageing

0,5 N/mm2

EN 1348

Adhesion after water immersion

0,5 N/mm2

EN 1348

Adhesion after freeze-thaw cycles

 0,5 N/mm2

EN 1348

Working temperature

from -30Degree C to +80 Degree C


क्रय आवश्यकता विवरण दर्ज करें
ईमेल आईडी
मोबाइल नंबर

Kerakoll Adhesives अन्य उत्पाद

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